Autonomous vehicle: How safe is safe enough?
How safe is safe enough? This is a question which has perplexed the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry since its inception. Every time I...
Read MoreThe impassioned debate: Self-driving cars parking head-in versus nose out
A parking lot can become a feuding landscape akin to the Old West and the infamous rivalry between the Hatfields and the McCoys....
Read MoreWhat can “Tesla Full Self-Driving” do? Where does it struggle? (Video)
Last Friday, November 27, Tesla Chief Engineering Officer Elon Musk tweeted that the rather advanced beta version of Tesla’s Full...
Read MoreRecap: Who’s responsible if a self-driving car has an accident?
With self-driving cars gaining traction in today’s automobile landscape, the issue of legal liability in the case of an accident has...
Read MoreSafety as the #1 priority for semi-autonomous vehicles requires a reform of European regulations
Safety is rightfully defined as the number one priority for all regulators who make decisions about vehicle systems like driving assist or...
Read MoreCEO of Yandex Self Driving Group predicts that autonomous vehicles will roam freely around major cities within five years
Self-driving cars are yet to become the everyday reality in Europe, but one European tech giant is racing to compete with Google’s...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars being tailgated by obnoxious human drivers
Let’s talk about those obnoxious people that insist on driving their car as though it is an extension of the rear bumper of your car....
Read MoreSelf-driving cars need those ‘How am I driving’ bumper stickers
Sometimes bumper stickers are notably helpful. While out driving, you are bound to see vehicles that have the legendary “How Am I...
Read MoreMagna camera system advances AV technology
When self-driving cars hit the road in large numbers, there’s a good chance some of Magna’s technology will be onboard....
Read MoreMcKinsey & Company: Private autonomous vehicles: The other side of the robo-taxi story
In the past few years, autonomous driving (AD) has generated sizable interest. The buzz started with a wave of bold announcements by tech...
Read MoreAssembling the autonomous truck
Truck makers and tech startups continue to make progress in their pursuit of autonomous trucks, but moving this elusive technology past...
Read MoreRide-hail companies are making life harder for scooters
ROBOTAXIS DON’T EXIST yet. Some experts suspect they won’t circulate widely for another decade. But earlier this month, the state of...
Read MoreThe big ways Full Self Driving & machine learning differ from our brains
In a previous article, I discussed my long-term plan to learn more about machine learning, starting with the Elements of AI courses. While...
Read MoreTesla’s Full Self-Driving Beta makes impressive ‘decisions’ in many cases
There’s a multitude of Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta testing videos online. While there are certainly many impressive moments and...
Read MoreThe holidays – a time to be thankful for electric and autonomous vehicles
Transportation is Mobility and Mobility is freedom. That is my thankful wish for Electric and Autonomous Vehicles and the future of...
Read MoreA peek at Freightliner’s Gen2 autonomous future
I’ve seen the future. I even got to touch it. It looks like it has a spinal injury … and braces. I didn’t get to drive it, but I’m not...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars: A level-by-level explainer of the road to autonomy
Self-driving cars have started to wear out their welcome, and they aren’t even here yet. Much of the promise and disappointment...
Read MoreDriverless trucks are already on Texas roads with more to come
(TNS) — The age of self-driving 18-wheelers traveling on U.S. highways may be much closer than many people realize, and North Texas is...
Read MoreNow an Amazon company, Zoox is ready to dial-up its robotaxi push
Self-driving tech startup Zoox has gone through a big management shakeup and surprise sale to Amazon in the past two years. But with the...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars could become your neighborhood ice cream truck
As a freezing cold winter begins to descend upon us, your thoughts undoubtedly turn toward a summertime pastime that will be sorely...
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