Will Tesla’s FSD ever match this extraordinary robotaxi in China?
We don’t know about you, but when we watch a video of a beta tester driving a Tesla with Full Self-Driving Beta technology,...
Read MoreTesla Full Self-Driving v10 is not ‘mind-blowing,’ but it shows progress
After the first few demos of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Beta v10 software came out, it is becoming clear that it is not “mind-blowing,”...
Read MoreThose escaped zebras roaming fancy-free in Maryland provide eye-opening insights for AI self-driving cars
Get ready for some especially sweet irony. First, some needed background. There is a famous saying in the medical field that makes...
Read MoreHow do autonomous vehicles “see” the world with position sensing?
Everybody knows about GPS, which is an acronym for the Global Positioning System, America’s satellite navigation system. Together with its...
Read MoreAfter seven years, an Apple car is still on the horizon
Minutes after the news broke this week that Doug Field, the former Tesla executive who led Apple’s car project, was defecting to Ford, the...
Read More‘Next big step’: Autonomous vehicles will ‘revolutionise’ car insurance liability industry
Self-driving cars are a relatively recent phenomenon within motoring, with Tesla leading the charge with their ‘Autopilot’ system. In the...
Read MoreGermany embraces robocars as New York rules draw industry ire
Pat Gelsinger, the Intel CEO, got up on stage at the Munich auto show this week and crowed about a new German law regulating autonomous...
Read MoreThat viral video of the young deer that did a smackdown of a hawk that was attacking a rabbit provides intrepid insights for AI self-driving cars
A recent viral video caused a lot of head-scratching and rapt wonderment. It provides a breathtaking story, entirely seen visually and...
Read MoreAudi discusses social aspect of autonomous driving with experts at the IAA
The steering wheel retracts as if by magic, the driver’s seat slides into a comfortable position, and the car keeps on driving by itself....
Read MoreCruise looks to the skies as it readies robotaxi service
Cruise, the autonomous driving company backed by General Motors, is looking beyond the auto and tech industries as it designs a robotic...
Read MoreAI self-driving cars and the looming aggregated statistical Trolley dilemma
Think about all of those moment-to-moment rapid decisions that you make while driving a car. Go ahead, do a slow-motion post-driving...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars are here and the leaders may surprise you
Self-driving technology has been advancing quickly over the last decade, and there are now a handful of companies operating fully...
Read MoreVolkswagen CEO: smart cars, not e-cars, are ‘gamechanger’
MUNICH, Sept 5 (Reuters) – Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) head Herbert Diess on Sunday said autonomous cars, not electric vehicles, were the...
Read MoreCould that dreaded highway hypnosis that puts human drivers into a trance befall AI self-driving cars?
You are driving along on a lengthy stretch of an open highway. Gloriously, you seem to have the roadway entirely to yourself. For miles on...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars doing the tango with those heroic school crossing guards
A video went viral that showcased a school crossing guard heroically saving a child from crossing into the path of an oncoming car....
Read MoreThis is what happens when you honk your horn at an AI self-driving car
Horn honking. We’ve all done it. Some more so than others. It used to be that honking a car horn was quite customary and an expected...
Read MoreWalmart presses its distribution legacy to lead in automated delivery
While the headlines in automated vehicles continue to revolve around automakers and digital-tech companies pushing the envelope to get to...
Read More14 tech experts predict exciting future features of driverless cars
Driverless cars may be in their infancy, but they’re certainly generating a lot of interest. Most major car companies, as well as several...
Read MoreQualms about touting those neophyte testimonials by first-time riders in AI self-driving car tryouts
A smooth ride. Enjoyed taking a short nap while getting a lift to the grocery. Those comments might seem like everyday remarks by someone...
Read More[ANALYSIS] Responsibility: a top issue for the driverless vehicle market
A recent string of crashes involving Tesla vehicles in the U.S. is raising questions about the capabilities and safety of today’s...
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