COMMENT: Uber’s mess won’t derail autonomy, but industry must rein in the hype
Uber has proven to be one of the most disruptive and polarising forces in the mobility industry. The company has never been far from...
Read MoreThe CEO of OTTO Motors has some intriguing ideas
I am in the middle of a market study on the autonomous mobile robot market. When doing this kind of study, you talk to as many executives...
Read MoreAutonomous home delivery: Last-mile logistics
The impact of autonomous (driverless) vehicles on home delivery has been a hot topic over the past few years, mostly because of the...
Read MoreWhat risks are we willing to accept for a world of self-driving cars?
The car, notes Lawrence D. Burns in his book “Autonomy,” is “terribly inefficient.” The internal combustion engine converts less than a...
Read MoreAutonomy: The quest to build the driverless car (review)
How has autonomy become a commonplace term in our conversations? It seems only a short time ago that autonomous vehicles seemed futuristic...
Read MoreAre we ready for the digital tsunami?
How do we prepare for and manage what’s known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution? A technological metamorphosis is upon us, and we...
Read MoreColumn: Self-driving car technology is not most profitable path
I’ve been hoping this summer that someone somewhere at an auto maker or supplier would be brave enough to say that autonomous...
Read MoreDoubt driverless is almost here? Read ‘Autonomy,’ new tell all book from former GM exec
Subtly, inexorably and at a swifter pace than many thought possible, the technology enabling robotic driverless cars is unfolding before...
Read MoreTransitioning the workforce in the era of autonomous vehicles: Meet Dr. Algernon Austin
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are sure to bring about a significant shift in the job market. While it is important to think about how many...
Read MoreNew approach to cyber security needed for connected and autonomous vehicles
Although connectivity has the power to enrich societies, economies, industries, and companies, it is not without its risks. Particularly...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars are susceptible to hackers, says Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and author of “Breaking Through Power,” joins the ‘Squawk on the Street’ team to...
Read MoreSebastian Thrun: ‘The costs of the air taxi system could be less than an Uber’
Sebastian Thrun isn’t your ordinary Silicon Valley computer geek-cum-Stanford professor. The 51-year-old artificial intelligence and...
Read MoreOpinion: Self-driving car bill provides opportunity to save lives
Self-driving cars and smart infrastructure enable dramatic improvements in safety and hold incredible promise to decrease deaths and...
Read MoreFormer GM R&D boss, Larry Burns tells the tale of the automated car in new book
For most people, self-driving cars are a relatively recent concept popularized by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and videos of a blind man riding in...
Read MoreHow Intel plans to save your life in autonomous driving
There were a few big takeaways from the Autonomous Driving 2018 Conference in Novi, MI. Perhaps the largest? Someone can imagine a...
Read MoreAn interview with self-driving visionary Larry Burns, co-author of “Autonomy”
Lawrence Burns is a former vice president of research, development and planning at General Motors, who has been an advisor to Waymo...
Read MoreWhy hi-resolution radar is a game changer
Ultra high-resolution imaging radar is quickly becoming the trailblazing technology for autonomous driving. 4D picture offers real-time...
Read MoreDon’t believe the naysayers: Self-driving cars are already here in many ways
Yes, it’s true: The promise of self-driving cars zooming around while their human operators doze off, read, or watch movies is not...
Read MoreMeet Renovo, the Amazon Web Services of autonomous driving
The autonomous driving space is in a very exciting place right now. Not just because of the eventual convenience of having our cars drive...
Read MoreThe self-driving startup teaching cars to talk
HORNS HONK. HANDS wave. Lights flash. Fingers fly and eyes meet. This orchestra may seem a mess to anyone stuck in the pit at rush hour,...
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