How Tesla’s path to self-driving cars is different from others
The race to fully autonomous vehicles is on. In April, Elon Musk declared that Tesla should have over a million level 5 autonomous...
Read MoreThe past, present, and future of self-driving cars
Cars will eventually drive themselves. But it’s probably going to take longer than we hope. Realists in the industry, such as Gill Pratt,...
Read MoreWhen an autonomous car is in a crash, who’s liable? (Good question.)
Who is liable when an autonomous vehicle is involved in a car crash? It’s a question yet to be answered, and one the Governors Highway...
Read MoreDeadliest summertime highways in the U.S. will be recast via self-driving cars
Here’s a quick roadway tip for you. If you are heading on a driving trip this summer, please try to avoid the following highways:...
Read MoreWaymo’s self-driving tech needs one big thing to succeed: More humans
Alphabet’s self-driving car company Waymo has built the world’s smartest vehicles with access to the world’s best artificial intelligence,...
Read MoreFive myths about autonomous vehicles
Autonomous vehicles are the future. Self-driving cars could change our lives, heralding an era of greater convenience, improved...
Read MoreCloud breaches like Capital One will strike at self-driving cars
The news has covered yet another breach of systems security that involves the theft of massive amounts of data, in this case impacting an...
Read MoreCurb pedestrians or driverless cars?
One of the tempting scenarios proffered for the advent of ‘autonomous vehicles’ (AVs) is that jaywalking — an offence in many countries —...
Read MoreWomen, men sharply divided on driverless cars
Women are far less enthusiastic about the prospect of driverless cars than men, recent studies show. The latest survey by the AAA car...
Read MoreWhat will become standard first: Electric cars or self-driving cars?
Which is more likely to become standard in the near future: hybrid/electric cars, or self-driving cars? originally appeared on Quora: the...
Read MoreThe moral imperative of self-driving cars
Some say the advent of self-driving cars is a moral imperative. Most notable of the prognosticators about driverless cars and someone who...
Read MoreBetween cars and micromobility lies “minimobility” – a self-driving transportation revolution
Today’s hot transportation topic is “micromobility” where the “micro” means super-small kick scooters and...
Read MoreLook no hands: self-driving vehicles’ public trust problem
While the Silicon Valley race to make autonomous vehicles (AV) feasible is proceeding full speed, with technology giants, capital-loaded...
Read MoreOpinion: Basic economics means Uber and Lyft can’t rely on driverless cars to become profitable
With Uber and Lyft both announcing large quarterly losses last week, it’s clear they have a long way to go to reach profitability, and...
Read MoreTesla has a huge incentive to deploy self-driving tech. But is the world ready?
Elon Musk frames his company‘s aggressive push into driverless car technology as a moral imperative. Along with sustainable electric...
Read MoreWill self-driving vehicles erode America’s love affair with cars?
It’s no secret that by-and-large Americans love their cars. Many of us pamper them in the way we dote on a favored pet dog or cat. We rely...
Read MorePedestrian crossings could “grind traffic to a halt” in a driverless future
Mark Rosekind, a head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration under President Barack Obama and now the chief safety...
Read MoreDemocratic presidential debates provide lessons for self-driving cars
The second round of Democratic Presidential Debates are now in the history books and have been roundly examined, analyzed, probed,...
Read MoreWhat are the regulatory barriers to full self-driving?
While the rest of the autonomous drive technology sector dials back its ambitious deployment plans, Tesla is still charging ahead. During...
Read MoreWe took a ride on NYC’s first self-driving shuttle
Self-driving car company Optimus Ride just debuted the first public autonomous vehicles in New York City, which will shuttle visitors...
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