Oops, self-driving car tech has an adverse carbon footprint
The media constantly reminds us about the carbon footprint (CFP) that we are all producing. In some cases, a carbon footprint is expressed...
Read MoreIt’s flu season and here’s why self-driving cars might make things worse
Germs are all around us. Are there germs on a toilet seat? Sure, we all know that. Here’s what might surprise you, there are apparently...
Read MoreHow autonomous vehicles can save us (and the ride-hailing industry)
With Uber and Lyft recently announcing large quarterly losses, it’s clear they have to make serious changes to reach profitability and...
Read MoreHere’s how quantum supremacy will impact self-driving cars
Quantum supremacy achieved! Quantum supremacy, achieved? The news recently was agog with the claim that the so-called and highly sought...
Read MoreForum: Questions aplenty before autonomous vehicles ready for widespread use
It is critical to ensure that the in-built safeguards of autonomous vehicles (AVs) can handle unpredictable challenges on the road...
Read MoreThe math of Sisyphus
There is but one truly serious question in philosophy, and that is suicide,” wrote Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus. This is equally...
Read MoreFor a self-driving future, it’s not just the tech we need to get right
When President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act in 1956, he predicted that the connected...
Read MoreForum: Robust cyber security needed for autonomous vehicles
With autonomous buses and cars on the horizon, I sincerely hope that government agencies keep a tight rein on service providers to ensure...
Read MoreConnected & autonomous cars have arrived, and they are forcing car companies to build new vehicle architectures
Change is coming to the automotive industry at breakneck speed with Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electric (C.A.S.E.) technologies....
Read MoreSuppose a nation-state took over self-driving cars within its sovereignty
The 50th anniversary of the Internet was recently celebrated by those that trace the origins of the vaunted worldwide web to the first...
Read MoreFour visions for the future of public transport
The way people get around is starting to change, and as a professor of transport strategy I do rather wonder if the modes of transport we...
Read MoreJust how far ahead is Tesla in self-driving?
Autonomous driving cars have emerged as a hot buzz word in the automotive industry over the last few years, with companies ranging from...
Read MoreAnalysis: When will self-driving cars be a reality?
From 2020 you will become a permanent back-seat driver’ ran a typically breathless headline from 2015. The story, from The Observer,...
Read MoreBeyond the robo-taxi: Great customer experiences will define self-driving
When most people talk about why autonomous vehicles will be successful, they tend to focus on the self-driving software alone. Don’t get...
Read MoreAgility and flexibility essential on the path to the autonomous truck
Today’s transportation industry faces numerous technology-enabled challenges. Truck makers are faced with the need to develop autonomous,...
Read MoreHow reality has exceeded our expectations about self-driving vehicles
The evolution of autonomous vehicles illustrates to what extent many people, including any number of experts, do not understand...
Read MoreThe surprisingly boring road to self-driving cars
At last, it is here! The truly self-driving car, no human behind the wheel! For the public! …A few hundred of them, in a closed beta, in a...
Read MoreOn Frankenstein results when self-driving cars go rogue
It’s Halloween and time to get into those scary outfits, including famous outcasts such as Dracula and Frankenstein. Speaking of...
Read MoreFive components of autonomous car security
Among all AI solutions, I believe the cybersecurity of autonomous cars is the most crucial aspect. One incident alone affecting human...
Read MoreTesla full self driving: Feature complete ≠ experienced driver
There is much confusion about “feature complete” Full Self Driving, a Tesla-only product. Many think that is when Full Self Driving is...
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