Yesterday’s Waymo crash in Arizona does not involve self-driving, but some day it will
On Jan 30, a crash was reported between a Waymo Chrysler Pacifica minivan and another vehicle, causing minor injuries to the safety...
Read MoreAn engineering student is helping envision a self-driving future for people with disabilities
The weekend she was supposed to be presenting a plan to improve transit service for people with disabilities using self-driving shuttles,...
Read MoreBackup drivers for AI self-driving cars aren’t a guarantee of safety, so here’s what needs to be done
When you get behind the wheel of a car, it is a solemn duty and one that holds you responsible for what the car ends up doing. While...
Read MoreAI self-driving cars will spur Americans to be savvier about their personal finances, but not for the reasons that you think
It is said that many Americans are so busy trying to earn money that they don’t have time to think about how to best leverage and save...
Read MoreCruise’s new ‘more than a concept’ robotaxi presages a battle with Zoox
Cruise, a unit of General Motors with investment from Honda, revealed a new “not a concept” self-driving vehicle last week. The vehicle is...
Read MoreThe economics of a Tesla robotaxi, and a quicker & easier path to profit
January 24, 2020 Published in 2016, Elon Musk’s “Master Plan, Part Deux” proposed the idea for the Tesla Network, essentially an automated...
Read MoreThe 4 reasons autonomous vehicles seem stalled in the U.S.
As the technology dawned, the predictions were stunning: one 2015 prediction forecast that autonomous vehicles would be piloting humans...
Read MoreThat car in California that mysteriously disappeared after going off a cliff is a valuable lesson for AI self-driving cars
You are on a sweeping mountainous road that overlooks the ocean, driving along at 55 miles per hour and enjoying the scenic view. Up ahead...
Read MoreJacksonville’s journey in engaging with autonomous vehicle technology
While there has been a great deal of Autonomous Vehicle (AV) activity in the public eye related to private vehicles, such as robo-taxi...
Read MorePoor man’s autopilot: Where is the outrage?
In a video titled “Poor Man’s Autopilot,” the owner of an i3 with the ability to do self-parking and adaptive cruise control explains how...
Read MoreWaiting for Tesla Full Self Driving, these are my top questions & thoughts (as a user)
I’ll admit it — I’m super eager for the first edition of Tesla “Full Self Driving” to roll out. Before Tesla critics and skeptics start...
Read MoreSpoiler alert: Three key ways GM-backed Cruise’s electrifying new self-driving minivan might have some heartburn
At a grand spectacle in San Francisco last night, the GM-backed Cruise that aims to bring forth autonomous vehicles with true self-driving...
Read MoreSimulation: Preparing autonomous vehicles for the road
Google, Apple, Baidu and automakers globally are currently working on their versions of the autonomous vehicle. Right now, the war to be...
Read MoreLet’s teach kids about AI self-driving cars, but only in an unbiased way
What should kids know about the advent of self-driving cars? Is it necessary to teach them about self-driving cars or is it something that...
Read MoreAV industry needs to quiet the hype
Amid the countless gadgets and technological wizardry on display this month at CES 2020 in Las Vegas was one thing in short supply in some...
Read MoreSilicon Valley event on machine learning tackles the latest riddles vexing AI self-driving cars
There’s a child’s riddle that asks you to indicate what can be held in your left hand and yet cannot be held in your right hand. Take a...
Read MoreOvercoming the barriers to self-driving
It’s a turbulent time for the UK mobility industry, and not just because of current economic and political uncertainty. An increasing...
Read MoreWhy creating an AV business is 10,000 times harder than building self-driving tech
As tech companies and automakers rush to perfect self-driving technology, an inconvenient truth lurks in the shadows. Once the cars are...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars need to give passengers a better experience. Here’s how.
“He doesn’t even trust my driving, do you think he’ll trust a machine?” My friend was half-joking, but his father’s long ‘nooooooooo’ when...
Read MoreAV 4.0: Reasonable For AV, but perhaps missing the boat on ADAS regulation
Last week at CES, Secretary Elaine L. Chao introduced the latest guidance from the U.S. Department of Transportation on the topic of...
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