The problems of medical emergencies while inside a self-driving car are going to be challenging
Jonathan got into his car that morning and was driving over to the grocery store. It was a day like any other day. He had driven the route...
Read MoreWaymo funding shows long road to AVs
There can be no doubt: The development of autonomous vehicles is going to require more — way more — time and money than people thought...
Read MoreMining industry laboratory for self-driving tech
As the debate continues about how – or even whether – to deploy autonomous vehicles in populated areas, lest lives be at risk,...
Read MoreWeRide resumes robotaxi service in China after COVID-19
WeRide resumes robotaxi service in China with extreme precautions to keep riders and drivers safe after COVID-19. I met the WeRide team at...
Read MoreHuman behavior and group dynamics can be reshaped by AI use, including via ai self-driving cars
Suppose you interact with an AI system, such as a robot, and in so doing your behavior changes based on that interaction. This makes sense...
Read MoreNavigant’s nonsense about Tesla autonomous driving
It is that time of year again. We see all the self-appointed experts extol their superior vision on the subjects that are most clickbait...
Read MoreYour weatherman says: “Your AV index for today is … “
Today’s automobile needs a great deal of infrastructure to be useful. A major part of the infrastructure is the civil transportation...
Read MoreNewest trend: Combining healthtech with AI self-driving cars for an upcoming boon in our health and wellness
Having to visit the doctor can be arduous. For those that don’t have a car, they oftentimes need to utilize multiple mass transit options...
Read MoreRoamin’ numerals: this Pi Day, celebrate how math is powering self-driving cars
While Pi Day may seem like a made-up holiday, March 14 – 3.14 – actually provides us with an opportunity to recognize the important role...
Read MoreDriverless cars have arrived, and they all look like loaves of bread
Do automakers investing billions in the self-driving cars of tomorrow risk repeating the same mistake they made with electric cars a...
Read MoreAI ethics principles are laid out by DoD for all to see, applies to self-driving cars too
AI ethics is a hot trending topic these days. And, so it should be. With the rise of AI systems popping up here and there, and virtually...
Read MorePope Francis offers ‘Rome Call For AI Ethics’ to step-up AI wokefulness, which is a wake-up call for AI self-driving cars too
The Pope is concerned that AI might be used in ways that undercut humanity rather than AI serving as a tool to enable and embellish...
Read MoreSupporting autonomous vehicles with smart roads
With the race toward autonomous vehicles at full speed, the automotive industry is awaiting one of the biggest transformations it has ever...
Read MoreThe opportunity for connectivity in AVs is growing as tech giants push further into the space
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are still far from being commonplace on roads and driveways, but recent developments in the space are pushing...
Read MoreWhat makes autonomous shuttles good for business?
Tavistock Development Company, the owner of the 17-square-mile mixed-use community of Lake Nona (near Orlando, Florida), envisions a...
Read MoreA look at Waymo’s mega $2.25 billion funding
Since 2009, Alphabet has funded Waymo, which is focused on developing autonomous vehicles. But this week there was a big change in the...
Read MoreIf AI has human rights, some are worried that self-driving cars might turn on us
Should AI have human rights? It’s a seemingly simple question, though the answer has tremendous consequences. Presumably, your answer is...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles can’t come soon enough
Autonomous vehicles have many pros and cons. Those on either side of the issue have very intense beliefs as to why autonomous vehicles are...
Read MoreProBeat: Waymo money, Waymo problems
Waymo, Alphabet’s autonomous vehicles division that spun out of Google in December 2016, this week raised $2.25 billion. Yes, that’s...
Read MorePutting a non-driving robot inside an AI self-driving car could be a great help to human passengers
A ridesharing driver the other day aided a passenger that had a leg cast to get into his car. A mother recently helped her toddler put on...
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