With Baidu and Deepblue’sdriverless commercial landing, WIMI Hologram Cloud (NASDAQ:WIMI) is focusing on AI visual service 5G market
The development of the automatic driving industry is becoming the focus of the competition among the first tier cities in China. After...
Read MoreWill autonomous vehicles always be a pipedream?
Five years ago, almost every manufacturer was making presentations about autonomous vehicles and how they would be on the road by 2020....
Read MoreWhy Waymo gave up on driver-monitored Autopilot
Around 6 months after Tesla’s Autonomy Day, Waymo CEO John Krafcik gave a presentation to German auto giants that he was seeking to...
Read MoreDangers await self-driving car tryouts as post-pandemic roadway efforts get underway
Many parts of the economy and commercial industry have been brought to a temporary halt as a result of the pandemic, including the...
Read MoreCruise commits to delivering the Holy Grail: Self-driving EVs powered entirely by renewable energy
One of the promises of autonomous vehicles is that they will be safer for passengers, occupants of other vehicles, and bystanders, thereby...
Read MoreThe autonomous car industry is about to get hammered
Good morning and welcome back to Speed Lines, The Drive’s morning roundup of what’s going on in the world of transportation. I...
Read MoreSurprise! 2020 is not the year for self-driving cars
In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle...
Read MorePutting autonomous driving back on the road
The self-driving car was a dream deferred even before the Covid-19 outbreak brought the U.S. economy to a standstill. By early 2020, plans...
Read MoreThe underlying ethics of autonomous driving (6/6)
When we get behind the wheel of a car, we don’t really think about anything other than where we are going, how long the journey is likely...
Read MoreAV: Bringing standards together for safety
How many safety standards does it take to screw in the lightbulb in a highly automated vehicle? A few years ago, automotive market novices...
Read MoreHow will autonomous cars change the user experience?
The cornerstones of the automotive industry—people’s love of a car brand, passion for a type of car, pride in owning a particular model...
Read MoreLow-trust versus high-trust beliefs will impact the growth of AI, including for self-driving cars
Do you trust your fellow citizens? Maybe, maybe not. Or, more likely, you trust them to some degree, and therefore you somewhat trust them...
Read MoreLinking self-driving cars to traffic signals might help pedestrians give them the green light
THE BIG IDEA Automated vehicles don’t have human operators to communicate their driving intentions to pedestrians at intersections. My...
Read MoreStarsky Robotics failure offers a sobering look at the state of AI
Autonomous trucking company Starsky Robotics has closed its doors after failing to secure additional funding in late 2019. Anyone that...
Read MoreHas Elon Musk set up regulatory Boogeyman as scapegoat for ongoing delay in promise of self-driving Teslas?
A tweet by Elon Musk this recent Easter weekend has sprung forth an erstwhile Easter egg hunt by the media and industry about the...
Read MoreCOVID-19 is a wake-up call for automakers to get into the mobility service business
Five years ago, I made a call to action for the world’s best engineers to join the mission to render human drivers obsolete. Since then,...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars and the challenges they face to gain acceptance (5/6)
The nature of wheeled transportation is changing very rapidly in what has become a disruptive technological environment....
Read MoreDriverless vehicles in the age of the novel coronavirus
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to different outcomes for different businesses. While some have stood to benefit (think Zoom, Facebook and...
Read MoreApollo 13 has its 50th anniversary and divulges hidden warning signs applicable to today’s AI systems including self-driving cars
Time to go on a mission. There will be important lessons, I promise. Go back in time to April 11, 1970. The Apollo 13 mission to the moon...
Read MoreOn the probabilities of social distancing as gleaned from AI self-driving cars
When you get behind the wheel of your car and go for a leisurely drive, you become an estimator of probabilities whether you realize it or...
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