The political economy of autonomous vehicles
In the 1960s flying cars, moving walkways, smart homes, smart watches, talking robots, video conferencing even tanning beds were things of...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicle pioneer Urmsontalks about safety and risks
Chris Urmson is a robot scientist really into cars, having earned a Ph.D. in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University after writing a thesis...
Read MoreAI ethics ‘tuning knobs’ a questionable mesh, including for self-driving cars
AI systems are being churned out at quite a rapid pace, meanwhile, there are considerable qualms about whether such AI will exhibit...
Read MoreCOVID-19 to climate change: How zero-emission AVs could help respond to our next global crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed hardship on multiple fronts, from public health to a looming economic crisis. What’s more, wildfire...
Read MoreHave some dad fun: Tell him that self-driving cars on Earth might discover intelligent life on other planets and see what he says
Dad’s know everything. Well, almost. Ask him if there is intelligent life beyond our planet. Nobody yet knows, though there are plenty of...
Read MoreFrom autonomous vehicles to COVID detection: How can a safety driving system detect virus symptoms
It is not uncommon these days to hear about companies, who, after working for years to develop innovative, life-changing ideas, have...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars will wipe out drive-by shootings, kind of
Drive-by shootings continue to be in the news and seem to be occurring at an alarming pace. Those that undertake this heinous act are...
Read discusses what one should know about self-driving car technology
New technology presents consumers and businesses with the wave of the future. Self-driving cars and fleet trucks are a new reality thanks...
Read MoreShould a police officer be able to shoot at a moving vehicle, and what about the case of self-driving cars?
One of the most controversial policing topics that society wrestles with is whether law enforcement officers should be able to shoot at a...
Read MoreTech tidbit: What is Lidar?
Lidar is an acronym for Laser Imaging, Detection And Ranging, as a light-based analog to radar, which you’ll recall stands for RAdio...
Read MoreWe’re never going to get meaningful data on self-driving car testing
The US Department of Transportation launched a new voluntary program to collect and share data from autonomous vehicle operators....
Read MoreU.S. official log announced on status of self-driving car testing, some media already misreporting it, expect more
The U.S. federally chartered automotive safety agency NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has announced today a new...
Read MoreGeospatial requirements for the self-driving future
As Zenzic releases a new ‘Geodata report – analysis and recommendations for self-driving vehicle testing’, Mark Cracknell, Head of...
Read MoreAchieving ‘provably beneficial AI’ is demonstrably vexing, including the case of self-driving cars
AI systems are being crafted and fielded at lightning-like speeds. That seems on the surface to be a good thing. But do we know that these...
Read MoreDriverless car design rethink could revolutionise transport for disabled people
The move towards driverless cars isn’t just a chance for people to relax at the wheel. It’s an opportunity to revolutionise personal...
Read MoreWill first autonomous vehicles deliver packages, not people?
While most autonomous-vehicle startups have focused on ride-sharing applications, analyst Colin Langan argues the self-driving delivery...
Read MoreMan receives mystery pizza deliveries for a decade, self-driving cars not to blame, as yet
A recent news report indicates that a man has been receiving pizza deliveries for nearly a decade. That might not seem like...
Read MoreSimpler is safer: Occam’s safety razor
When it comes to autonomous safety, simpler is almost always better. That might seem strange. The consequences of an autonomous car...
Read MoreTesla’s new feature gives car access to another driver — like a robotaxi
A new Tesla feature called “Car Access” is rolling out to users, allowing Tesla car owners to grant another driver the...
Read MoreWhy investors are abandoning ride-hailing and automotive startups because of COVID-19
Once the darlings of venture capital and private equity, mobility and automotive startups are falling on hard times in 2020, thanks to the...
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