Automotive 2025: Industry without borders
IBM Institute for Business Value, April 19, 2016 The dynamics of the consumer-vehicle-enterprise relationship are starting to change...
Read MoreConnected and autonomous vehicles in Ontario: Implications for data access, ownership, privacy and security
Deloitte, April 12, 2018 The transition to widespread adoption of connected and autonomous vehicles is underway in Ontario. Researchers...
Read MoreMobility impacts of early forms of automated driving – A system dynamic approach
Modern cars are increasingly being equipped with automated driving functions. For governments it is important to gain insight in the...
Read MoreImplications of automated vehicles for accessibility and location choices: Evidence from an expert-based experiment
In this paper, possible accessibility impacts of fully automated vehicles (AVs) are explored. A conceptual framework for those impacts is...
Read MoreThe role of system description for conditionally automated vehicles
We studied how system descriptions of conditionally driving vehicles (SAE International, 2014) influenced drivers’ knowledge/mental...
Read MoreReadiness of the road network for connected and autonomous vehicles
RAC Foundation, April 2017 How ready is the road network for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)? Research conducted by CAS...
Read MoreDeepVoting: A robust and explainable Deep Network for semantic part detection under Partial Occlusion
Baidu Research US, March 29, 2018 In this paper, we study the task of detecting semantic parts of an object, e.g., a wheel of a car, under...
Read MoreCongestion pricing in a world of self-driving vehicles: An analysis of different strategies in alternative future scenarios
University of Texas, March 28, 2018 The introduction of autonomous (self-driving) and shared autonomous vehicles (AVs and SAVs) will...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles | Self-driving vehicles enacted legislation
Idaho Transportation Department, March 26, 2018 Many people consider autonomous vehicles to be a significant part of the future of the...
Read MoreAutomation in the long haul: Challenges and opportunities of autonomous heavy duty trucking in the United States
International Council on Clean Transportation, March 26, 2018 The implications of autonomous trucking are broad and extend beyond the...
Read MoreAutomotive: Incumbents strike back
Automotive CxOs are no exception. In 2015, they were largely convinced that new markets would present the best opportunities for growth....
Read MoreThe ApolloScape Dataset for autonomous driving
Baidu Research US, March 16, 2018 Scene parsing aims to assign a class (semantic) label for each pixel in an image. It is a comprehensive...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: The race is on
Accenture, March 9, 2018 Self-driving cars are capturing news headlines and people’s imaginations. Is it really possible to read a book or...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: A guide for policymakers
Reason Foundation, March 1, 2018 Autonomous vehicles, one of the most discussed technologies in the transportation industry, promise...
Read MoreGlobal driverless vehicle survey
Baker McKenzie, March 1, 2018 Driverless vehicles promise to eliminate (or at least substantially reduce) road accidents, massively...
Read MoreThe Sensor: Legal insights into autonomous vehicles
Borden Ladner Gervais, March 1, 2018 Managing Cybersecurity Risks of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles....
Read MoreIntroducing ethical thinking about autonomous vehicles into an AI course
Eighth AAAI Symposium, February 4, 2018 A computer science faculty member and a philosophy faculty member collaborated in the development...
Read MoreAutonomous driving: Collaborative approach needed for big business
Research Institutes of Sweden, February 2, 2018 Self-driving and driverless cars are a big opportunity for sustainable mobility and...
Read MoreEnvironmental impacts of connected and automated vehicles
Caltrans, February 2, 2018 Caltrans and its partners are seeking information about the impact of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs)...
Read MoreFuture transport: How is London responding to technological innovation?
London Transport Committee, February 1, 2018 Connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology has significant potential benefits for road...
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