On sceptics and enthusiasts: What are the expectations towards self-driving cars?
Automation in transport is increasing rapidly. While it is assumed that automated driving will have a significant impact on travel demand,...
Read MoreTackling road congestion – What might it look like in the future under a collaborative and connected mobility model?
Traffic congestion continues to be the bane of many metropolitan areas and has exercised the minds of experts for at least the last 60...
Read MoreFailing to learn: Autonomously identifying perception failures for self-driving cars
University of Michigan, July 26, 2018 One of the major open challenges in self-driving cars is the ability to detect cars and pedestrians...
Read MoreAnticipating the regional impacts of connected and automated vehicle travel in Austin, Texas
University of Texas, July 26, 2018 Automated vehicles are undergoing very rapid development and have potential to revolutionize the...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicle implementation predictions
Victoria Transport Policy Institute, July 24, 2018 This report explores autonomous (also called self-driving, driverless or robotic)...
Read MoreHow autonomous vehicles will drive our budgets
Conservative Law Foundation, July 1, 2018 An analysis of the economic and fiscal impacts of self-driving cars on the commonwealth of...
Read MoreEmerging governance responses to risks associated with autonomous vehicles
Araz Taeihagh and Hazel Lim Si Min, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS, July 23, 2018 The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are...
Read MoreAutonomy & motor insurance what happens next?
RSA, July 20, 2018 An RSA report into autonomous vehicles & experiences from the GATEway Project....
Read MoreCities in the Driving Seat – Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Development
This is the urban century and cities continue to grow at pace. But there are innovations that could allow us the opportunity to reset the...
Read MoreWhat will autonomous trucking do to US trade flows? Application of the random-utility-based multi-regional input-output model
University of Texas, July 15, 2018 This study anticipates changes in U.S. highway and rail trade patterns following widespread...
Read MoreGoverning autonomous vehicles: emerging responses for safety, liability, privacy, cybersecurity, and industry risks
Araz Taeihagh and Hazel Si Min Lim, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS, July 11, 2018 The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are...
Read MoreU.S. Department of Transportation public listening summit on automated vehicle policy summary report
USDOT, July 10, 2018 The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) brought together hundreds of transportation stakeholders for its Public...
Read MoreWhat governments across the globe are doing to seize the benefits of autonomous vehicles
Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University, July 2, 2018 This policy paper introduces some of the main policy and regulatory actions that...
Read MoreDriverless cars: Why it’s time to consider their disruptive power
LEK Consulting, July 1, 2018 It is inevitable that there will be driverless or “full autonomy” cars on the roads in the forseeable future....
Read MoreIntegrating shared autonomous vehicle in public transportation system: A supply-side simulation of the first-mile service in Singapore
This paper proposes and simulates an integrated autonomous vehicle (AV) and public transportation (PT) system. After discussing the...
Read MoreAre consumers willing to pay a premium for self-driving cars?
Autonomous vehicles use sensing and communication technologies to navigate safely and efficiently with little or no input from the driver;...
Read MoreThe human side of autonomous driving
Self-driving cars are no longer in the realm of science fiction. While we might not all be cruising the streets reading magazines behind...
Read MoreMachine learning, social learning and the governance of self driving cars
University College London, June 30, 2018 Self-driving cars, a quintessentially ‘smart’ technology, are not born smart. The algorithms that...
Read MoreArtificial intelligence and vehicle regulations
UNECE, June 22, 2018 In 2015, public figures warned the international community with an Open Letter on Artificial Intelligence1 about the...
Read MoreReshaping urban mobility with autonomous vehicles lessons from the City of Boston
World Economic Forum, June 18, 2018 This report summarizes findings from a three-year collaboration between the World Economic Forum and...
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