Testing autonomous vehicles in New Zealand
Ministry of Transport, New Zealand, January 1, 2017 Increasing levels of automated vehicle technologies are already making a dramatic...
Read MoreRealising the benefits of autonomous vehicles in Australia
Accenture, January 1, 2017 Once just a fictional vision in movies such as Total Recall, the era of autonomous vehicles is now upon us....
Read MoreGuidelines for trials of automated vehicles in Australia
National Transport Commission, January 1, 2017 The introduction of automated vehicles into Australia requires rapid advances in a number...
Read MoreArtificial intelligence, automation, and the economy
Executive Office of the President, December 20, 2016 Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and related fields have opened up...
Read MoreAutonomous driving & the next generation of transport in China
There is still a long way for China to go to become a leading country in the automobile industry as China still falls behind in many...
Read MoreAutomated vehicles in Canada
Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, November 30, 2016 This document represents a high level overview of the complex,...
Read MoreCar of the future v3.0: Mobility 2030
Citi, November 30, 2016 We believe the next Car of the Future chapter expands from a content-into-the-car theme into a...
Read MoreRoad to autonomous vehicles in Australia: A comparative literature review
The University of Western Australia, November 18, 2016 Autonomous vehicle technology and its potential effects on traffic and daily...
Read MoreHow automakers can survive the self-driving era
A.T.Kearney, November 14, 2016 A.T. Kearney study reveals new insights on who will take the pole position in the $560 billion autonomous...
Read MoreSmartkeys to the future
Mobile phones have become smartphones, wristwatches have become smartwatches and now, electronic car keys have become smartkeys. Portable,...
Read MoreDriverless vehicles A new engine for economic transformation?
Barclays, October 1, 2016 The UK Government outlined in the Queen’s Speech for 2016 that Britain seeks to lead the world in autonomous...
Read MoreWill autonomous vehicles derail trains?
Boston Consulting Group, September 30, 2016 More than a century ago, rail was king when it came to medium- and long-distance...
Read MoreMoving forward: Self-driving vehicles in China, Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States
Brookings, September 30, 2016 Vehicles equipped with sensors and cameras navigate the streets of Mountain View, California; Austin, Texas;...
Read MorePedestrian notification methods in autonomous vehicles for multi-class mobility-on-demand service
MIT, September 1, 2016 In this paper, we describe methods of conveying perception information and motion intention from self driving...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: The legal landscape in the US and Germany
Norton Rose Fulbright, July 26, 2016 This first annual White Paper on the Legal Landscape of the Autonomous Vehicles summarizes the...
Read MoreSelf-driving vehicles, robo-taxis, and the urban mobility revolution
Boston Consulting Group, July 21, 2016 It promises to be the most far-reaching advance in mobility since the invention of the automobile...
Read MoreConnected & autonomous vehicles: Introducing the future of mobility
Atkins, July 6, 2016 Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are no long a question of ‘if’ but rather of ‘when’. There are significant...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicle policy of Korea
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, May 17, 2016 Analysis of South Korea’s existing policy and regulations regarding...
Read MoreForks in the Road: Navigating industry disruption
Boston Consulting Group, May 4, 2016 2015 brought record sales and profitability to the global auto industry. But current success is no...
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