Dubai self-driving transport strategy
Dubai RTA, March 1, 2017 Self-driving transport (SDT) has long been a goal of the transportation technology research community. As far...
Read MoreThe autonomous vehicle revolution: Fostering innovation with smart regulation
Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress, March 1, 2017 A future in which autonomous motor vehicles are capable of picking...
Read MoreAn assessment of autonomous vehicles: Traffic impacts and infrastructure needs—Final Report
University of Texas, March 1, 2017 “Smart driving technologies” are components that create a more intelligent automotive system, and these...
Read MoreComfort & driving-assistance-systems’ acceleration
Valeo, February 28, 2017 During the Investor Day, Jacques Aschenbroich, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Christophe Périllat, Chief...
Read MoreOn our way towards connected and automated driving in Europe
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Netherlands, February 15, 2017 A High Level Meeting was held in the Netherlands on 15...
Read MoreDriver responses to encountering automated vehicles in an urban environment
Transport Research Laboratory, February 2, 2017 The GATEway (Greenwich Automated Transport Environment) project aims to understand and...
Read MoreDriverless Seattle: How cities can plan for automated vehicles
Tech Policy Lab, University of Washington, February 1, 2017 The advent of automated vehicles (AVs)—also known as driverless or...
Read MoreMaximizing the benefits of self-driving vehicles
Union of Concerned Scientists, February 1, 2017 Autonomous, or self-driving, vehicle technology may be the most significant innovation in...
Read MoreAre consumers willing to pay to let cars drive for them? Analyzing response to autonomous vehicles
Resources for the Future, February 1, 2017 In this paper we derive semiparametric estimates of the willingness to pay for automation. We...
Read MoreSocial impacts of automation in transport – Parliament of Australia
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Australia, February 1, 2017 Automated transport technologies have significant...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars: The impact on people with disabilities
Securing America’s Future Energy and Ruderman Family Foundation, January 31, 2017 In the United States, approximately one in every five...
Read MoreDriverless cars and the future of American infrastructure
Manhattan Institute, January 12, 2017 This paper outlines the reasons federal spending should strongly favor repairing and maintaining the...
Read MoreSocial and behavioural questions associated with automated vehicles: A literature review
University College London Transport Institute, January 6, 2017 This literature review is part of a wider scoping study commissioned by the...
Read MoreAdvancing automated and connected vehicles: Policy and planning strategies for state and local transportation agencies
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), January 1, 2017 This report assesses policy and planning strategies at the state,...
Read MoreDevelopment of self-driving vehicles in the United Kingdom
Deloitte, January 1, 2017 T HE widespread deployment of self-driving vehicles, once thought of as science fiction, is just a few years...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles meet human drivers: Traffic safety issues for states
Governors Highway Safety Association, January 1, 2017 This report should help states understand and address these issues. It’s written for...
Read MoreAutonomous cars: a big opportunity for European industry
Digital Transformation Monitor, January 1, 2017 The prosperity of connected cars also propel the progress of autonomous driving, which is...
Read MoreAre we ready to embrace connected and self-driving vehicles? A case study of Texans
University of Texas, January 1, 2017 While connected, highly automated, and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will eventually hit the roads,...
Read MoreForecasting Americans’ long-term adoption of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies
University of Texas, January 1, 2017 Automobile enterprises, researchers, and policymakers are interested in knowing the future of 21...
Read MoreThe impact of autonomous vehicles on CTP insurance and its regulation
Finity Consulting, January 1, 2016 Autonomous vehicles will be progressively developed and used on NSW roads and one day, cars may become...
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