Potential societal implications of autonomous vehicles
University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, June 1, 2017 Technical, Legal, and Social Implications of Automated Vehicles....
Read MoreEthics Commission: Automated and connected driving
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany, June 1, 2017 Automated systems which, without human intervention, can...
Read MoreAccelerating the future: The economic impact of the emerging passenger economy
Strategy Analytics, June 1, 2017 Consumer adoption of peer-to-peer and ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft points toward a...
Read MoreDriverless cars: How innovation paves the road to investment opportunity
Invesco, June 1, 2017 We are at a point in history where computer science and technology are enabling the creation of products and...
Read MoreManaging the transition to driverless road freight transport
International Transport Forum, May 31, 2017 This report explores how a transition to driverless trucks could happen. Reduced reliance on...
Read MoreFleet performance and cost evaluation of a shared autonomous electric vehicle fleet: A case study for Austin, Texas
University of Texas, May 26, 2017 Electric Vehicles (EVs) are an attractive option for shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) fleets because of...
Read MoreAssessment of key road operator actions to support automated vehicles
Austroads, May 16, 2017 Australian and New Zealand road agencies and operators are preparing for the introduction of Automated Vehicles...
Read MoreAirSim: High-fidelity visual and physical simulation for autonomous vehicles
Microsoft Research, May 15, 2017 Developing and testing algorithms for autonomous vehicles in real world is an expensive and time...
Read MoreTaming the autonomous vehicle: A primer for cities
Bloomberg Aspen Initiative, May 4, 2017 We’ve combed through the most insightful reports, forecasts, and announcements to produce this...
Read MoreTomorrow has arrived: Cities and autonomous vehicles
University of Waterloo, May 1, 2017 Whether we want them to be or not, autonomous vehicles (AVs) are on their way to the streets of our...
Read MoreBeyond speculation automated vehicles and public policy
Eno Center for Transportation, May 1, 2017 Automated vehicle (AV) technology has the potential to completely change how we travel, how we...
Read MoreAutomated vehicle industry activities in Michigan
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), May 1, 2017 In 2013, Michigan became the fourth US state to specifically regulate the...
Read MoreThe road to autonomous vehicles: A look at insurance implications
Jones Day, April 18, 2017 As autonomous vehicles move toward mass implementation, businesses in this industry segment are studying product...
Read MoreBuilding the digital car company of the future
Boston Consulting Group, April 13, 2017 Digitalization and a host of societal and technological trends are transforming the automotive...
Read MoreAutonomous and connected vehicles: navigating the legal issues
Allen & Overy LLP, April 10, 2017 According to research by IHS Automotive, the number of cars connected to the internet worldwide...
Read MoreLeveraging the promise of connected and autonomous vehicles to improve
US DOT Federal Highway Administration, April 5, 2017 Integrated Corridor Management and Operations: A PRIMER...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: A policy preparation guide
National League of Cities, April 1, 2017 The development of autonomous1 vehicle (AV) technology has recently shifted into overdrive. This...
Read MoreDesign and implementation of a shared autonomous vehicle system in Austin, Texas
University of Texas, April 1, 2017 Autonomous vehicles (AVs) and shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) have the potential to significantly...
Read MoreAutomated vehicles will revolutionize the automotive industry
Jones Day, March 13, 2017 Labeled “highly automated vehicles” (“HAV”) by DOT, these vehicles will operate through...
Read MoreConnected and autonomous vehicles: The future?
House of Lords, March 12, 2017 Oral and written evidence submitted to the UK Parliament....
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