AV best practices for state legislatures
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is prepared to assist with...
Read MoreAV best practices for state highway safety officials
The following sections describe a framework for States looking for assistance in developing procedures and conditions for ADSs’...
Read MoreAutomated driving systems 2.0: A vision for safety
USDOT, September 12, 2017 A Vision for Safety replaces the Federal Automated Vehicle Policy released in 2016. This updated policy...
Read MoreThe cognitive effect on automotive: Unleashing exceptional experiences from an abundance of data
The automotive (auto) industry is going through unprecedented change – self-driving vehicles, electric cars and new mobility services have...
Read MoreAsia ahead: Have major Western European markets already lost the race for future mobility?
Roland Berger, September 1, 2017 In an analysis of 11 countries, the Automotive Disruption Radar (ADR) has named the Netherlands as the...
Read MoreAutomated vehicles: Do we know which road to take?
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, September 1, 2017 Automated and Driverless Vehicles (AV/DVs) offer the prospect of positive and...
Read MoreThe employment impact of autonomous vehicles
U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration, August 11, 2017 The expected introduction of autonomous, or...
Read MoreThe evolution in self-driving vehicles: Trends and implications for the insurance industry
Ernst & Young, August 2017 In the not-too-distant future, fully autonomous vehicles will be the norm rather than the exception,...
Read MoreNudging people into autonomous vehicles
Pwc, August 1, 2017 The evolution of the automobile to some form of autonomous vehicle is seen as almost inevitable. A fully autonomous...
Read MoreTrialling autonomous vehicles in NSW
National Roads and Motorists’ Association, August 1, 2017 The privately-owned motor vehicle has been part of the Australian family now for...
Read MoreGoverning the future of mobility: Opportunities for the US government to shape the new mobility ecosystem
Deloitte, July 31, 2017 Through the last century, American automakers drove much of the nation’s economic strength with innovations and...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: Plotting a route to the driverless future
Accenture Mobility, July 20, 2017 The automotive and transportation industries are currently undergoing what is probably the most...
Read MoreSelf-driving cars and data collection: Privacy perceptions of networked autonomous vehicles
Carnegie Mellon University, July 12, 2017 Self-driving vehicles and other networked autonomous robots use sophisticated sensors to capture...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicles: The legal landscape of Dedicated Short Range Communication in the US, UK and Germany
Norton Rose Fulbright, July 12, 2017 In our first volume of the Autonomous Vehicle White Paper, we summarized the activities and trends in...
Read MoreNew mobility: Today’s technology and policy landscape
International Council on Clean Transportation, July 1, 2017 The phrase “new mobility” has come into widespread use to name the results of...
Read MoreThe EE architecture for autonomous driving: A domain-based approach
NXP Semiconductors June 1, 2017 NXP Semiconductors has announced an all new control and compute concept for connected, electric and...
Read MoreA global race for autonomous vehicles: Views from the United States, Europe and Asia
FTI Consulting, June 2017 The automotive revenue pool will grow and diversify with new services, potentially becoming a $1.5 trillion...
Read MoreConnected and autonomous road vehicles
House of Commons Library, June 12, 2017 This paper considers some of the key implications of ‘connected and autonomous vehicles’ (CAVs)...
Read MoreGovernor’s autonomous vehicle workgroup
State of Washington, Office of the Governor, June 7, 2017 Governor Inslee has assembled an Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Workgroup that includes...
Read MoreAdopting and adapting states and automated vehicle policy
Eno Center for Transportation, June 1, 2017 Automated vehicles are challenging the status quo of transportation networks and the policies...
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