Automakers want green light to remove driver controls on autonomous cars
If an automaker wants to make an autonomous car, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) currently requires the...
Read MoreTesla reportedly buys machine-learning startup DeepScale for self-driving car tech
Tesla has big plans in store, if we’re to follow CEO Elon Musk’s timeframe laid out during the Autonomy Investor Day. In an...
Read MoreABB to provide smart chargers for autonomous vehicles in Singapore
ABB has won a contract from ST Engineering Land Systems Ltd. to deliver and commission integrated smart charging points for Automated...
Read MoreHyundai Mobis develops braking system for autonomous vehicles
Hyundai Mobis has developed redundancy brake system focusing the autonomous vehicles, which will activate emergency brake system...
Read MoreHow will autonomous cars pay for things?
Driverless cars need to be able to carry out all the tasks currently handled by humans. That doesn’t just mean shifting gears,...
Read MoreAutomakers want green light to remove driver controls on autonomous cars
If an automaker wants to make an autonomous car, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) currently requires the...
Read MoreTesla reportedly buys machine-learning startup DeepScale for self-driving car tech
Tesla has big plans in store, if we’re to follow CEO Elon Musk’s timeframe laid out during the Autonomy Investor Day. In an...
Read MoreABB to provide smart chargers for autonomous vehicles in Singapore
ABB has won a contract from ST Engineering Land Systems Ltd. to deliver and commission integrated smart charging points for Automated...
Read MoreHyundai Mobis develops braking system for autonomous vehicles
Hyundai Mobis has developed redundancy brake system focusing the autonomous vehicles, which will activate emergency brake system...
Read MoreDFW Airport considers driverless shuttles for parking lot
DFW International Airport officials are considering a self-driving shuttle to ferry passengers around one of its remote parking lots...
Read MoreHow will autonomous cars pay for things?
Driverless cars need to be able to carry out all the tasks currently handled by humans. That doesn’t just mean shifting gears,...
Read MoreMillennials exodus from big cities will be accelerated via self-driving cars
The latest stats indicate that millennials and Gen Z are continuing to exit from big U.S. cities, making this the fourth such year in a...
Read MoreIn-cabin monitoring critical piece of autonomous-vehicle puzzle
Knowing precisely where occupants are and what they are doing will be as critical to automated driving’s future as to whether the vehicle...
Read MoreIn-cabin monitoring critical piece of autonomous-vehicle puzzle
Knowing precisely where occupants are and what they are doing will be as critical to automated driving’s future as to whether the vehicle...
Read MoreWho’s driving the autonomous drive technology jobs market?
President Donald Trump took a break from his duties today to tweet about an unlikely topic: Hyundai’s new $4 billion joint venture...
Read MoreWaymo and AAA team up to educate kids on self-driving cars
Adults may be making all the decisions about self-driving cars and their associated regulations, but Waymo believes kids should have a say...
Read MoreWhat does the future hold for self-driving cars?
Self-driving cars are poised to revolutionize the transportation industry. There have been many significant shifts in the auto industry...
Read MoreMaserati outlines its electrified and autonomous future
Maserati, one of Fiat Chrysler’s Italian luxury marques, is ready to cannonball into an electrified future. The company laid out its...
Read MoreWho will benefit in the robotaxi revolution?
As self-driving cars move closer and closer to reality, one particular market stands to benefit — autonomous taxis (aka robotaxis). Tasha...
Read MoreAutonomous vehicle tested in Calgary with goal of mass deployment
No one was holding the wheel when a vehicle made its rounds recently in Calgary’s northeast. The autonomous vehicle, developed by...
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