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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

NXP’s autonomous vehicle platform— BlueBox

Posted on May 16, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Technology, Videos & Podcasts

NXP Semiconductors, May 16, 2016 In autonomous vehicles systems, multiple streams of sensor data are routed to the BlueBox engine, where...

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Forks in the Road: Navigating industry disruption

Posted on May 4, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Boston Consulting Group, May 4, 2016 2015 brought record sales and profitability to the global auto industry. But current success is no...

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A multi layer vehicle security framework

Posted on May 1, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

NXP, May 1, 2016 Vehicles are going through a rapid evolution: many mechanical systems are being (or have already been) replaced by...

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Smarter trucks, safer highways

Posted on Apr 20, 2016 in Technology, Trucks

Six convoys by six major truck manufacturers from six cities in Sweden, Germany, and Belgium set out on a journey across Europe. Their...

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How Renault sees the car of the future

Posted on Apr 18, 2016 in Cars, Perspective

Last week, the 28 European transport ministers met to sign the Amsterdam Declaration on autonomous vehicles. So this seemed like a good...

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Michigan connected vehicle initiatives

Posted on Apr 1, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations, Trucks

Michigan Department of Transportation, April 1, 2016 ADVANCING SAFETY AND OPERATIONS THROUGH TECHNOLOGY...

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Autonomous vehicles: Task 1 Report

Posted on Mar 28, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Oregon Department of Transportation, March 28, 2016 The goal of this project was to lay the groundwork for Oregon to be prepared to lead...

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Tracking a system of shared autonomous vehicles across the Austin, Texas network using agent-based simulation

Posted on Mar 1, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

University of Texas, March 1, 2016 This study provides a large-scale micro-simulation of transportation patterns in a metropolitan area...

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“It’s all about safety and efficiency”

Posted on Feb 26, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Perspective, Trucks

Matthias Wissmann, former German Minister of Transport and current President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA),...

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What’s ahead for car sharing? The new mobility and its impact on vehicle sales

Posted on Feb 23, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Technology

Boston Consulting Group, February 23, 2016 One of the most remarkable developments of the 21st century global marketplace is the rapid...

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How much human do we need in a car? The evolution of artificial intelligence and the acceptance of autonomous vehicles

Posted on Feb 16, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Ernst & Young, February 16, 2016 The key to successful application of autonomous technology will be a seamless transition of control...

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Car talk: At MIT, federal safety chief discusses future of automated driving.

Posted on Feb 10, 2016 in Cars, Perspective

Discussions of self-driving vehicles are often accompanied by highly confident predictions: Visions of the future include whole networks...

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Automotive revolution – perspective towards 2030

Posted on Jan 31, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

McKinsey, January 31, 2016 How the convergence of disruptive technology-driven trends could transform the auto industry...

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TechTalk: We’re on the road to driverless cars

Posted on Jan 25, 2016 in Cars, Perspective

This year’s CES in Las Vegas was more car showcase, than consumer technology show. On the flip side, the Detroit Car show was all about...

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Autonomous vehicles – negotiating a place on the road

Posted on Jan 1, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

London School of Economics, January 1, 2016 We aim to measure and understand the level of “openness”’ people have towards AVs and,...

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Overview of regulations for autonomous vehicles

Posted on Jan 1, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Presentations

Volvo Corporation, January 1, 2016 Drive Sweden is a national, Strategic Innovation Program bringing together all relevant stakeholders to...

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Automated and autonomous driving: Regulation under uncertainty

Posted on Dec 31, 2015 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Reports

International Transport Forum, December 31, 2015 Many cars sold today are already capable of some level of automated operation, and...

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DeepDriving: Learning affordance for direct perception in autonomous driving

Posted on Dec 31, 2015 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Technology

Princeton, December 31, 2015 Today, there are two major paradigms for vision-based autonomous driving systems: mediated perception...

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Secure connected cars for a smarter world

Posted on Dec 1, 2015 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

NXP, December 1, 2015 The automotive industry is rapidly evolving and NXP is at the forefront of this shift, helping transform the car...

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Autonomous vs connected vehicles – what’s the difference?

Posted on Oct 2, 2015 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Atkins, October 2, 2015 I frequently read articles and heated commentary in the media related to connected and autonomous vehicles, but...

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