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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

How the city bus will become autonomous

Posted on Sep 22, 2016 in Buses, Technology

Safely and autonomously through city traffic: The Mercedes-Benz Future Bus recognises pedestrians and traffic-lights. This is made...

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ITS America press release on U.S. Department of Transportation’s announcement of an automated vehicles policy framework and intent to move forward with vehicle-to-vehicle communications

Posted on Sep 21, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Policy & Regulation

Yesterday, the Department of Transportation released a new “Federal Automated Vehicles Policy” that establishes guidelines to ensure the...

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“Autonomous driving brings a new form of freedom” Interview with Chief Digital Officer Johann Jungwirth

Posted on Sep 8, 2016 in Cars, Perspective

The Group is making headway with autonomous driving. According to Chief Digital Officer Johann Jungwirth, the new Audi A8 marks a big step...

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Pedestrian notification methods in autonomous vehicles for multi-class mobility-on-demand service

Posted on Sep 6, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Technology

MIT, September 1, 2016 In this paper, we describe methods of conveying perception information and motion intention from self driving...

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Prepare to be underwhelmed by 2021’s autonomous cars – MIT Technology Review

Posted on Aug 23, 2016 in Cars, Technology

BMW, Ford, and Uber have all recently said they plan to have “fully autonomous” cars ready to drive themselves on the road in 2021 (see...

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4 + 1 must-have security layers for connected cars

Posted on Aug 2, 2016 in Cars, Technology

The automotive industry is rapidly evolving and the car is transformed from a simple mode of transport to a personalized mobile...

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Stanford researchers teach human ethics to autonomous cars

Posted on Aug 1, 2016 in Cars, Technology

To actually integrate autonomous vehicles into everyday life, researchers need to teach the cars how to make the safe driving decisions...

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Delphi Electronically Scanning RADAR

Posted on Aug 1, 2016 in Cars, Technology

Delphi’s multimode ESR combines a wide field of view at mid-range with long-range coverage to provide two measurement modes...

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Self-driving cars and the future of the auto sector

Posted on Aug 1, 2016 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Videos & Podcasts

The driverless car is coming, but significant questions remain. Will consumers actually want to cede control of their vehicles? Can...

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Autonomous vehicles: The legal landscape in the US and Germany

Posted on Jul 26, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Reports, Trucks

Norton Rose Fulbright, July 26, 2016 This first annual White Paper on the Legal Landscape of the Autonomous Vehicles summarizes the...

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Self-driving vehicles, robo-taxis, and the urban mobility revolution

Posted on Jul 21, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Boston Consulting Group, July 21, 2016 It promises to be the most far-reaching advance in mobility since the invention of the automobile...

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Land Rover to start real-world tests of innovative connected and autonomous vehicle technology

Posted on Jul 13, 2016 in Cars, Technology

Jaguar Land Rover plans to create a fleet of more than 100 research vehicles over the next four years, to develop and test a wide range of...

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Connected & autonomous vehicles: Introducing the future of mobility

Posted on Jul 6, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Atkins, July 6, 2016 Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are no long a question of ‘if’ but rather of ‘when’. There are significant...

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The digital future of the truck

Posted on Jun 21, 2016 in Technology, Trucks

A trip right across Europe shows that digitally connected trucks are safer, take up less room on motorways and are also more...

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The Florida Automated Vehicles Initiative

Posted on Jun 14, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Presentations, Trucks

Florida Department of Transportation, June 14, 2016 2016 Design Training Expo...

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Interview: Continental CEO Elmar Degenhart on charting the company’s future in connected mobility

Posted on May 31, 2016 in Cars, Perspective

Like many long-established companies involved in the automotive industry, major Tier 1 supplier Continental has anticipated and is now...

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Steel city’s new wheels

Posted on May 19, 2016 in Cars, Technology

If you’re driving around Pittsburgh in the coming weeks you might see a strange sight: a car that looks like it should be driven by a...

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Carefree parking using your smartphone

Posted on May 19, 2016 in Cars, News, Technology

Experience the future today with the new E-Class. Park remotely by smartphone and let the Drive Pilot take the strain in stop-and-go...

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Autonomous vehicle policy of Korea

Posted on May 17, 2016 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, May 17, 2016 Analysis of South Korea’s existing policy and regulations regarding...

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Automated trucks: The next big disruptor in the automotive industry?

Posted on May 17, 2016 in Knowledge Center, Presentations, Trucks

It’s no secret that the future of the automotive industry will be a driverless one—car manufacturers have been traveling this road for...

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