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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

Automated vehicles: Do we know which road to take?

Posted on Sep 1, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Infrastructure Partnerships Australia, September 1, 2017 Automated and Driverless Vehicles (AV/DVs) offer the prospect of positive and...

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Engineering Uber’s self-driving car visualization platform for the web

Posted on Aug 28, 2017 in Cars, Technology

The ATG (Advanced Technologies Group) at Uber is shaping the future of driverless transportation. Earlier this year, the Data...

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State strategies for CAV

Posted on Aug 28, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Presentations, Trucks

Maryland Department of Transportation, August 28, 2017 Smart growth, planning and opportunities for collaboration....

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Hackers Are the Real Obstacle for Self-Driving Vehicles – MIT Technology Review

Posted on Aug 22, 2017 in Technology, Trucks

Out-of-work truckers armed with “adversarial machine learning” could dazzle autonomous vehicles into crashing....

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The employment impact of autonomous vehicles

Posted on Aug 11, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration, August 11, 2017 The expected introduction of autonomous, or...

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The evolution in self-driving vehicles: Trends and implications for the insurance industry

Posted on Aug 6, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Ernst & Young, August 2017 In the not-too-distant future, fully autonomous vehicles will be the norm rather than the exception,...

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Toyota’s Collaborative Safety Research Center launches new research tracks to study autonomous and connected vehicle technologies

Posted on Aug 2, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Technology, Trucks

Toyota’s Collaborative Safety Research Center (CSRC) today announced a sweeping set of new research programs studying the opportunities...

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Milo: autonomous shuttle program

Posted on Aug 1, 2017 in Buses, Knowledge Center, Presentations

The Society of American Military Engineers, August 1, 2017 Milo is the first autonomous shuttle offered by a municipal government to the...

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The future of connected autonomous vehicles

Posted on Aug 1, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations

Utah Department of Transportation, August 1, 2017 Transportation Interim Committee Report, UDOT...

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Nudging people into autonomous vehicles

Posted on Aug 1, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Pwc, August 1, 2017 The evolution of the automobile to some form of autonomous vehicle is seen as almost inevitable. A fully autonomous...

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Trialling autonomous vehicles in NSW

Posted on Aug 1, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

National Roads and Motorists’ Association, August 1, 2017 The privately-owned motor vehicle has been part of the Australian family now for...

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Governing the future of mobility: Opportunities for the US government to shape the new mobility ecosystem

Posted on Jul 31, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Deloitte, July 31, 2017 Through the last century, American automakers drove much of the nation’s economic strength with innovations and...

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Singapore Autonomous Vehicle Initiative (SAVI)

Posted on Jul 31, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations, Trucks

Presentation by Alan Quek Senior Manager, Cooperative & Quality ITS, Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA)...

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Car manufacturer numbers to halve in a decade, claims KPMG

Posted on Jul 30, 2017 in Cars, News

​The number of car manufacturers is predicted to halve in the space of a decade as mobility solutions and a decline in vehicle ownership...

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Artificial intelligence holds key to autonomous driving

Posted on Jul 22, 2017 in Cars, Perspective

Self-driving cars also offer the potential to make better use of one of society’s most underutilized assets. (Most cars sit idle 96...

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This image is why self-driving cars come loaded with many types of sensors – MIT Technology Review

Posted on Jul 21, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Autonomous cars often proudly claim to be fitted with a long list of sensors—cameras, ultrasound, radar, lidar, you name it. But if you’ve...

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NXP and Baidu partner on Apollo open autonomous driving platform

Posted on Jul 21, 2017 in Cars, News

NXP Semiconductors (NASDAQ:NXPI), the world’s largest automotive semiconductor supplier and Baidu, Inc. (NASDAQ:BIDU), the leading Chinese...

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Autonomous vehicles: Plotting a route to the driverless future

Posted on Jul 20, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Accenture Mobility, July 20, 2017 The automotive and transportation industries are currently undergoing what is probably the most...

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Autonomous vehicle development now speedier with NVIDIA DRIVE PX on wheels

Posted on Jul 17, 2017 in Cars, Technology

DRIVE PX on Wheels is a kit available in three flavors — advanced, basic and custom — that makes the transition to autonomy as smooth as...

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Why collaboration is key for the automotive industry

Posted on Jul 17, 2017 in Cars, Perspective

Kurt Sievers, Executive Vice President and General Manager Automotive at NXP, invited fellow industry colleagues and partners to discuss...

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