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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

Cars are made of code

Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Hundreds of millions of lines of code are required to make these cars run. It’s so much code, in fact, that it surpasses the amount found...

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Mobility-as-a-Service: Why self-driving cars could change everything

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

ARK Invest Research, October 25, 2017 ARK expects that before 2020 fully autonomous vehicles will become commercially available, enabling...

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Autonomous vehicles

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations

Presentation by Samuel I. Schwartz, Princeton University...

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NHTSA Enforcement Guidance Bulletin 2016–02: Safety-related defects and automated safety technologies

Posted on Oct 24, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Reports, Technology, Trucks

NHTSA, October 24, 2017 Automotive technology is at a moment of rapid change and may evolve farther in the next decade than in the...

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Waymo safety report: on the road to fully self-driving

Posted on Oct 13, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Our commitment to safety is reflected in everything we do, from our company culture to how we design and test our technology. In this, our...

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A plan to develop safe autonomous vehicles. And prove it.

Posted on Oct 11, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Mobileye, October 11, 2017 Our proposed model provides a detailed, practical, and efficient solution for designing and validating an AV...

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The case for continuous deep learning at the edge

Posted on Oct 11, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Edge devices and very large real-world driving datasets hold the promise of autonomous driving....

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Passenger’s subjective traffic safety, in-vehicle security and emergency management in the driverless shuttle bus in Finland

Posted on Oct 11, 2017 in Buses, Knowledge Center, Reports

Mobility services are evolving globally. Driverless public transport can be a game-changer for urban mobility. However, empirical evidence...

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NVIDIA CEO revs up auto industry with new autonomous car computer and VR design tool

Posted on Oct 10, 2017 in Cars, Technology

NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang took the stage Tuesday in Munich — one of the hubs of the global auto industry — to introduce a...

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V2X automated driving starts now

Posted on Oct 10, 2017 in Cars, Technology

A V2X-enabled car can automatically broadcast that its emergency brakes are in use, setting in motion a warning to other cars in the area...

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More than Alphabet Soup: 5G Unlocks the Power of V2X

Posted on Oct 9, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Here at HARMAN, we’re working alongside Samsung to leverage our deep expertise in high speed connectivity and telematics to bring 5G and...

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Self-driving cars and city planning: expectations and policy implications

Posted on Oct 6, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations

Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), October 6, 2017 Autonomous driving has started to receive attention not...

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Autonomous vehicles for the postal service

Posted on Oct 2, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

United States Postal Service, October 2, 2017 The research suggests that while there remain stumbling blocks to adoption, the impact to...

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The driverless car: A reality in the making

Posted on Oct 1, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Wavestone, October 1, 2017 The emergence of new technologies has already triggered a series of in-depth changes in the transportation...

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New mobility: Autonomous vehicles and the region

Posted on Oct 1, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Regional Plan Association, October 1, 2017 As Regional Plan Association embarked on the Fourth Regional Plan for the New...

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Making autonomous vehicles a reality: Lessons from Boston and beyond

Posted on Oct 1, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Boston Consulting Group, October 1, 2017 This report, BCG’s latest on autonomous vehicles, examines the case for AVs as a cornerstone of...

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Policy memorandum: The case for adopting autonomous vehicles technology and supporting research in artificial intelligence

Posted on Oct 1, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Reports, Trucks

Journal of Science Policy & Governance, October 1, 2017 Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are an enormous opportunity for economic growth for...

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Preparing for a driverless future: Re-Shaping the transportation landscape & conquering the sky

Posted on Sep 30, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Nishith Desai Associates, September 30, 2017 The automotive industry is on the brink of a technological revolution and has come a long way...

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Maserati takes a step into autonomous driving

Posted on Sep 27, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Maserati does many things well. In particular, it enhances.Its powertrains raise the performance bar, and its interior design elevates...

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Future mobility and society values: Ready for the shift?

Posted on Sep 26, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Perspective

To mark the 50th anniversary of our Toulouse site, we held round tables on the theme of the Future of Mobility, one focused on...

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