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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

GEAR 2030: High level group on the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the automotive industry in the European Union

Posted on Nov 18, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

European Union, October 18, 2017 The HLG stresses that Europe needs a shared strategy on automated and connected vehicles as underlined in...

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Functional safety will protect passengers in autonomous cars

Posted on Nov 17, 2017 in Cars, Technology

In autonomous vehicles, functional safety will ensure that the car brakes when there’s a cat in the middle of the road, but not when...

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Hyundai Motor Company introduces new autonomous IONIQ concept at Automobility Los Angeles

Posted on Nov 17, 2017 in Cars, Technology

The goal of the autonomous IONIQ concept was to keep the self-driving systems as simple as possible. This was accomplished by using the...

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Australia and New Zealand driverless vehicle initiative summit

Posted on Nov 16, 2017 in Cars, Perspective, Policy & Regulation

I am very pleased to have the opportunity to speak at this International Driverless Vehicles Summit, convened by the Australia and New...

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Tesla Semi & Roadster unveil

Posted on Nov 16, 2017 in Technology, Trucks

​Semi is the safest, most comfortable truck ever. Four independent motors provide maximum power and acceleration and require the lowest...

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Why AI is tipping the scales in the development of self-driving cars

Posted on Nov 16, 2017 in Cars, Perspective, Technology

When people think of self-driving cars, the image that usually comes to mind is a fully autonomous vehicle with no human drivers involved....

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Legal issues related to the development of automated, autonomous, and connected cars

Posted on Nov 16, 2017 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Jones Day, November 16, 2017 As interest in autonomous vehicles accelerates, and as the related technologies evolve, the vehicles’...

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Toyota’s Collaborative Safety Research Center to study societal acceptance of connected and automated vehicle technologies

Posted on Nov 15, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Technology, Trucks

Toyota’s Collaborative Safety Research Center (CSRC) today announced five new research projects focused on better understanding how...

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ITS America comments to NHTSA on Automated Driving Systems 2.0 Guidance

Posted on Nov 14, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Policy & Regulation, Trucks

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments to the September 12, 2017 Automated Driving Systems (ADS): A Vision for Safety 2.0. The...

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The future of trucking

Posted on Nov 14, 2017 in Technology, Trucks

Look around you for a moment. Almost everything you see has spent time on a truck, from the beans for your morning coffee, to the screen...

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Microsoft extends AirSim to include autonomous car research

Posted on Nov 13, 2017 in Cars, Technology

AirSim provides realistic environments, vehicle dynamics and sensing for research into how autonomous vehicles that use AI that can...

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Volvo Group unveils new innovative transport solution to drive safety and productivity

Posted on Nov 11, 2017 in Technology, Trucks

The self-driving truck, driving autonomously from one hub to another, is part of a development project exploring how automation can...

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Autonomous vehicles: Are you ready for the new ride? – MIT Technology Review

Posted on Nov 9, 2017 in Cars, Technology

The self-driving car revolution is about to shift into overdrive. The signs are everywhere. Just look in the back lots of South Boston’s...

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Waymo’s fully self-driving vehicles are here

Posted on Nov 7, 2017 in Cars, Technology

With Waymo in the driver’s seat, fully self-driving vehicles can transform the way we get around. After more than eight years of...

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RAND Model of Automated Vehicle Safety (MAVS)

Posted on Nov 7, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

RAND Corporation, November 7, 2017 Highly automated vehicle (HAV) safety is a principal concern for the transportation industry,...

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The Enemy of good: Estimating the cost of waiting for nearly perfect automated vehicles

Posted on Nov 7, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

RAND Corporation, November 7, 2017 How safe should highly automated vehicles (HAVs) be before they are allowed on the roads for consumer...

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A world of hackers, connectivity and automotive processors – what’s secure enough?

Posted on Nov 3, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Much has changed in the automotive industry since then, but to no one’s surprise, security has become a top concern for automakers. New...

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Safe in-vehicle experience centers on security

Posted on Nov 3, 2017 in Cars, Technology

Next-generation cars are complex. Cars today already have millions of lines of code and dozens of processors, controllers and sensors that...

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Driverless technology advances with partnership between Toyota Research Institute and GoMentum Station

Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in Cars, Infrastructure

Toyota Research Institute (TRI) has signed an agreement with GoMentum Station to test autonomous vehicle technology at the 5,000 acre...

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Overview of Maryland’s work on connected and automated vehicles

Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Policy & Regulation, Reports, Trucks

Maryland Department of Transportation, October 30, 2017 Self‐driving vehicles have the potential to transform how we live and work – to...

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