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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

A bus that speaks sign language? Meet Olli.

Posted on Jan 11, 2018 in Buses, Technology

Imagine: a self-driving shuttle bus visually recognizes disabled passengers as it picks them up, activating a ramp so they can board. It...

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NXP, LG Electronics and HELLA collaborate on Automotive Vision Platform

Posted on Jan 10, 2018 in Cars, News, Technology

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ:NXPI), LG Electronics and HELLA Aglaia have announced a strategic collaboration for automotive vision...

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Toyota Launches New Mobility Ecosystem and Concept Vehicle at 2018 CES

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in Cars, Technology

Toyota Motor Corporation President Akio Toyoda today announced a new mobility service business alliance and e-Palette Concept Vehicle...

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Cisco reveals reinvention of smart car networking at CES

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in Cars, News, Technology

Cisco just announced at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that it is working with car company Hyundai to create the future of the...

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‘These Computers Can’t Fail.’ Why Autonomous Cars Are So Challenging, According to Nvidia’s CEO

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in Cars, Perspective

The future really is now—or at least sooner than it seems, according to Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang....

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2018 CES: ADAS partnerships and products propel the drive toward full autonomy

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in Cars, Technology

Speaking on the topic of autonomous driving today at CES 2018, Mobileye CEO Professor Amnon Shashua explained that millions of cars...

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The future of autonomous vehicles | Nvidia CEO Full Interview

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in Cars, Perspective, Technology

The future really is now—or at least sooner than it seems, according to Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. Speaking at a Fortune Brainstorm Tech...

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Visteon’s next generation of SmartCore™ cockpit domain controllers will feature Qualcomm automotive solutions

Posted on Jan 8, 2018 in Cars, Technology

Future SmartCore™ cockpit controllers will feature the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 820A Automotive platform to support automakers’ demand for...

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Samsung reveals DRVLINE platform

Posted on Jan 8, 2018 in Cars, Technology

The DRVLINE platform incorporates several best-in-class components and technologies, which leverage Samsung’s global expertise in...

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Baidu could beat Google in self-driving cars with a totally Google move – MIT Technology Review

Posted on Jan 8, 2018 in Cars, Technology

By building the Android of autonomous vehicles, Baidu thinks it will make them smarter and safer....

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Making the most of curb spaces in a world of shared autonomous vehicles: A case study of Austin, Texas

Posted on Jan 8, 2018 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

University of Texas, January 8, 2018 With the recent developments of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) as well as 28 technologies...

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Privacy and integrity considerations in hyper-connected autonomous vehicles

Posted on Jan 6, 2018 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Presentations, Trucks

Proceedings of the IEEE 2018, January 2018 The rapid advances in technology can be witnessed in the emergence of cyber-physical systems...

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Preparing Communities for Autonomous Vehicles

Posted on Jan 6, 2018 in Buses, Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

American Planning Association, January 2018 This paper summarizes the findings of a symposium and research on the implications of...

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Strategic Transit Automation Research Plan

Posted on Jan 6, 2018 in Buses, Knowledge Center, Reports

FTA, January 2018 Transit bus automation could deliver many potential benefits, but transit agencies need additional research and policy...

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Preparing the city of Toronto for automated vehicles

Posted on Jan 5, 2018 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

Transportation Services, January 5, 2018 Automated vehicles are now on Toronto’s streets, in various forms and for a variety of...

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NXP broadens product portfolio to enable high resolution automotive radar sensors

Posted on Jan 5, 2018 in Cars, News, Technology

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ:NXPI), the world’s largest supplier of automotive semiconductors , has announced the latest addition to...

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MAX4: Magna’s formula for winning the self-driving car race

Posted on Jan 1, 2018 in Cars, Technology

Building on its long legacy of driver-assistance systems, Magna propelled itself into the self-driving car race with its new MAX4 fully...

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ADAS Cameras: Made by Magna

Posted on Jan 1, 2018 in Cars, Technology

Scalable to the needs of OEM partners, the entry-level front camera module addresses safety needs related to new car assessment programs....

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Autonomous vehicles: Considerations for personal and commercial lines insurers

Posted on Jan 1, 2018 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports, Trucks

Munich RE, January 1, 2018 Since the early 1960’s the insurance industry has been a major force behind the most significant advances in...

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Electric vehicles for smarter cities: The future of energy and mobility

Posted on Jan 1, 2018 in Cars, Knowledge Center, Reports

World Economic Forum, January 1, 2018 Mobility is going to change rapidly in the coming years as electric vehicles (EV) proliferate, ride...

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