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News, Analysis & Perspective on Autonomous Vehicles

Ohio State University working to make our robotaxis safer

The 2010s was the decade of EVs — as far as establishing their arrival and competitiveness. The 2020s is the decade of AVs (autonomous vehicles). This is not guaranteed yet, but it has looked like this would be the case for at least the past 5 years. As much as an autonomous vehicle future sounds exciting, fun, exhilarating even, it also comes with some risk and fear. Bad guys might learn to hack robotaxis — deep tech hacking or crude hacking like a back-alley thief uses after observing patterns of behavior. Some people may find ways to trick or override cameras and then commit crimes of various types in or around robotaxis. So, with all of that in mind, we need “white hat hackers” to look for flaws in the AV systems and work to fix or improve them.

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